LifeSpring Delivered Meals
The team at LifeSpring Home Nutrition focuses on improving the health and quality of life of people in our community through nutritious and delicious wholesome meals delivered directly to individuals in Southern California.
Why do we deliver fresh to frozen?
Convenience and nutrition are our priorities. This method of delivery provides that perfect balance.
Why do we deliver the meals ourselves?
By having our team deliver the meals we can guarantee reliability and responsibility.
Why we started meals for special diets over 20 years ago
No one person's nutritional needs are exactly like another's. Our goal is to help each client feel their best through delicious meals.
MTM’s save billions in healthcare costs
Food is a vital energy source and eating the best food for your body keeps you healthier and works as preventative care.
MTM’s are up to 250x more effective than grocery boxes (a year in reflection)
Not only do MTM's work out to be more cost-effective for clients, but are more timely and well-suited for our demographic.
What will the US population look like in 2030? (what we have to look forward to)
By 2030, aging adults will outnumber children and 1 in 6 people in the world will be 60 years or over. This means prioritizing nutrition for elders will be a key factor to sustained quality of life.
Experience & Expertise You Can Rely On
At LifeSpring Home Nutrition, we aim to address the global healthcare crisis by providing healthy, Medically Tailored Meals (MTM) with convenient home delivery at affordable prices.